Protecting vehicles and outdoor equipment from the elements is a full-time job. Thankfully, a quality pole building offers a full-time solution. We just happen to be the people that build them.
EXTREME Pole Buildings & Pole Barns In PA, NJ, and MD
Over the last 19 years, we’ve built 2000+ pole buildings in PA, NJ, and MD. Our experience in the pole-building industry has given us some unique perspectives on the best way to store your stuff. Whether it’s a 2 car garage, an agricultural shed, a pole barn shed, or a commercial building, we can design and build your structure so that it lasts a lifetime.
Pole Barns For Every Use
Looking for some extra space for your vehicles? Check out our 2-car pole barn garage. Need even more space? We also have a 4-car garage option! From sedans to semis, we have pole building sizes for everyone!
Need a place to store products for your business? Maybe you need a spot for all that new equipment. We can help design and build your new structure! We build pole buildings for commercial use in PA, MD, NJ, and beyond!
What Are Pole Buildings?
Pole buildings are constructed using wooden posts to support the foundation and the framework of a building. A foundation is placed in the pole building post holes that are generally done with concrete. Extreme Pole Buildings gives you options for the foundation of your pole building in PA, NJ, or MD.
Next, the posts are added, as well as the interior structure. Finally, your building is finished with your choice of siding and roof. This lets you customize your building to fit the look you want on your property.
When we finish building your pole barn, it will be a building that is unique to you. Now, you can fill your new building with whatever you have planned and trust your building to protect your valuables for years to come!